
Killing two of my websites WrapFix & Recaser.


  • The websites break when I toggle the web server to PHP 7. I don’t know enough PHP (yet?) to maintain them and I don’t really want to.
  • They didn’t get used much. Both websites have just under 4,000 lifetime unique visits between the two of them.
  • There are other ways to accomplish the same things. Adobe Illustrator has re-casing built in and if you want to fix wraps you can paste into an HTML document bcuz it ignores extra spaces and line breaks.

Anyway, the websites will not be missed good riddance.

RIP: WrapFix/Recaser Sep 2011 - Dec 2016.

Threeboy drinking

I'm threeboy and I make stuff. This blog has a few #comics, #wallpapers, #gifs and boring blog posts.

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